READING and UNDERSTANDING Female Body Language is fascinating and confusing.
Are there any secrets that would unlock the secrets to female body language? Unlocking would enable one to decipher her thoughts and desires, her wishes and hates and even perhaps her moods.How then do we read female body language signals? LOOK OUT FOR THE CLUSTER.
CLUSTER? This is when more than one signal is being transmitted with or without her knowledge, and often in quick successions.
As an example, a flirty glance or a big smile may seem like she is interested but she may be like that all the time, in a great mood, or flirting without intent. The key to reading female body language is to look for a cluster of at least 3 to 5 signals and if she's not looking at or pointing to a person, chances are it's not that person she's flirting with.
Imagine yourself being a female body language detective. What if you could interview, investigate and probe the opposite sex and find out what they actually are thinking when they smile, wink, play with their hair or just laugh like crazy?
What if you could learn the secrets to what girls really think and what their body language really means. Would be interesting wouldn't it?
What do women really want? Female body language tells alot.
When it comes to flirting and reading female body language always look for a cluster of 3 or more of the following signals when reading female body language. Of course if you take some of these just on face value it could mean anything. Its how they are packaged i.e done in quick succession and targeted, that makes the difference.
Here are just some of the signals.
(1) If she keeps glancing over and over again, it is basic human nature to keep looking towards what one is attracted to. However, some will avoid eye contact due to shyness, fear or just nerves. Playing hard to get is another way. This makes understanding female body language, more difficult. Don't despair if you can't see her looking initially - she may be without you knowing!.
•Extended eye contact - No better way to make a guy's blood start rushing than with extended eye contact. Don't worry if it makes you feel funny - run with it and enjoy feeling a bit uncomfortable, after all that butterfly feeling in your stomach is your body's love hormone phenylethylamine which tells you that you're attracted.
A physiological reaction results from eye to eye contact.
•Touching - If she breaks the contact barrier during conversation, its a big sign. Of course some women are naturally very touchy very freely. See if she is like that, with other people.
•Plays with her hair or object when looking at you - Part of the preening process. She's making herself look good and preening herself, her body's subconscious attempt to make herself look more attractive to you.
•Exposes palm of her wrists and other erogenous zones -If she's looking and smiling at you, and holding your gaze whilst exposing her wrists or erogenous zones (her neck, collarbone, inside of her arm or breasts) she's showing you where she might like to be touched.
•Licks her lips - When she's attracted her lips and genitals fill with blood making them sensitive to touch and tingle with excitement and anticipation. Want to drive her crazy? Hold eye contact with her for up for four seconds before letting your eyes rest on her lips and then back to her eyes with a knowing look and smile that says it all.
•Slowly crossing and uncrossing her legs - This is great flirting language. Look for the other great move of her straightening her skirt yet showing a little more leg.
•Adjust her clothing or preen whilst looking at you - As we know women do a lot of preening without anyone's encouragement, so if she is doing this whilst looking at you, its probably just for you. If she's smiling as well... it could be the start of something.
•Whisper and lean - This is a classic flirting technique and something girls use a lot more than guys. She'll lean in and whisper invading your intimate space with her head and perhaps even touching you. It's her attempt to get closer to you and is a big sign that she feels very comfortable with you and might just like you.
•Accidentally brushes past you - Women are far more sensitive to touch than most men and often use the accidental brush past to indicate interest. Very few people pick it up for what it is; a signal of interest. We've seen this one so many times at the speed dating events, especially later in the night. So, if you feel something brush past you don't ignore it, turn around and smile. You may just be surprised.
•The shoulder flash - When a girl is interested she might do the shoulder flash,(a quick raise of her shoulders). It's one of her body's subconscious ways to indicate interest.
•The over the shoulder look - If she's looking at you and her body is pointing in your direction, the over the shoulder look which exposes her erogenous zones is a cheeky invitation to say 'hi'.
•The shoe fondle or shoes dangling at the toes - Dangling high heels on a woman can accentuate her legs, be a little revealing as well as playful. But remember to check who she's looking at and where she's pointing to discover who her target is!
You see, knowing how to read female body language is not that hard when you look at it. Look for clusters of 3 signals or more and remember to have fun and don't overthink it. It is meant to be easy after all!
These are just some signals that women send out to indicate interest.
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