Thursday, April 16, 2009


HAve you stood in front of a mirror and looked hard at your breasts. How many hours a day, are they trapped, within your bra...tight or loose. Have you lifted or looked closer under your breasts. Are there the lining of your bra cups. Red and curvy bra markings across and under each breast.

What does that mean to you. Bra is tight. Blood flow has been hampered. Do you like the sound of denying blood to any part of the body. NO WAY, right. Bras must match right the breast size.

Massage your breasts daily. Do it during morning shower, evening shower, and if in the course of the day, you are changing bras, massage your breasts for one or two minutes DAILY. It helps to increase blood circulation to the breasts. Breasts massage stimulates, firms breast from sagging, is more fuller and livelier to your eyes and more beautiful.

Breast massage means contact of your palms. It can help to detect healthy conditions of your breasts. A good way to safeguard yourself against breast cancer as well. Breasts are fatty tissues.

Suspect a lump, ad go to your doctor for a quick check.

Do cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Check your diet. You are the first check to your bust line. Take more fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of pure water. Take some herbal supplements.
Regular exercise is an important aspect of natural breast care programme. Stretched ribs, rotating arms and others really help in endowed busts care, enlargement and firmness.


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