Recent popularity of female fashion is both the female form and movement. The sensual move is like music that is flowing, unchopped. Any female can present herself in a feminine and mind captivating way with patience and practice. So you do want to capture. Learn to move with grace, softly,silently and effortless beauty. Educate yourself to do so. Position your posture, and convey via body language, your inner confidence and feminine courage and beauty.
(1) Why tense? Relax your posture. Not, drooping shoulders, but stand upright and erect.
Pretend that your head is being pulled to elongate your neck, lift your chest, and allow your
shoulders to fall back. Also, lift your sternum (breastbone). Hold your ribcage up, off of your
pelvis. Pull your navel into your back.
In short: chin up, neck long, shoulders back, chest out, abdomen tight, pelvis forward, and
buttocks tight. You would feel, you are leaning back a little. You would also feel pressure in
the small of your back. Be calm. Stand tall. Breathe through your nose.
PRACTICE ABOVE and slowly make these minor adjustments.
Make a conscious but discreet effort to arrange your body as slightly pigeon-toed (i.e. toes pointing forward and inward and heels outward) and slightly knock-kneed (i.e. knees bent and pointing forward and inward and hips outward) and slightly knock-elbowed (i.e. elbows bent and pointing backward and inward to meet behind your spine and bent wrists outward).
Let your arms hang with your elbows bent. Your wrists should fall near to the back of your thighs. This stance enhances stability, flexibility and places emphasis on the ultimate feminine attribute (i.e. curvaceous hips).
Routinely loosen up your ribcage and your pelvis in isolation with side-to-side vertical circles, forward-backward vertical circles, and horizontal circles to optimize the slenderness of your waist to function smoothly like a lithe and sinuous dancer.
Always have confidence and be fully present in your body. Allow your soul to come out from your eyes, relax your jawline, relax your lips to form an ideal shape. Focus sharply on the present moment, on your personal performance, and on your immediate surroundings (i.e. focus exclusively on one moment at a time, one breath at a time, and one step at a time, as you are immersed in your environment). Present the best possible you in each and every present moment.
Place each leg directly in front of the other leg, the way a cat does. The majority of weight shifts should occur near your center of gravity, which is between your thighs and belly button. Aim for your footprints to form a single line as if you are walking on tightrope. This motion dictates the extent to which your hips and arms swing. Keep your head and shoulders relatively still as your body moves and try to appear as though you are walking into the wind to push your shoulders back and force your pelvis to lead you forward.
Take all steps to the inside edge of the ball of the foot, maintaining a bent knee, and then slightly lowered to the flat of the foot (i.e. ball-flat footwork), to make the steps feel and look like you are pushing into the floor. Synchronize the motion of each bent knee with that of the ball of the foot below it for greater control. Alternatively, you should instead synchronize the motion of each bent knee with that of the heel of the foot below it if you prefer to execute a heel-to-toe strut.
Make your strides more or less pronounced by lifting your legs boldly or subtly in the same manner as a horse trot. Lift your foot a moderate distance off the ground with your knee bent, and then place it down a moderate distance in front of the supporting leg. As a knee bends, the same hip drops (and causes the other hip to rise), and as a knee straightens, the same hip rises (and causes the other hip to drop). If you wish to add a bounce in your walk, do it by making complete weight changes (i.e. allow each hip to abruptly drop when you bend and raise the knee on the same side of your body as your weight is transferred to your hip from the foot below it).
Move as little as possible when performing practical or enticing actions. For example, if you wish to look over at something or someone, move your eyes first until they cannot move any more, then move your head, then your torso and adjust your lower body last and only when necessary. Always return to your most relaxed state and never maintain a tense position.
Appear inviting even when you stand still.
Arrange your left foot slightly in front of your right foot (your left knee should be slightly bent), and these toes should point forward and slightly inward with only some of your weight bearing on the ball of this foot. Your right foot should be almost directly behind your left foot and turned to the right to be perpendicular to it, and these toes should point to your right and slightly inward with most of your weight bearing on the ball of this right foot.
Attempt to gently bend your knees toward each other to exude more panache.
Additionally, your body should be turned to position your right elbow behind your right hip, and you should delicately turn your head toward your nearest shoulder (i.e. your left shoulder) to complete the pose.
Now, you know why "PRACTICE MAKES HERFECT".
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