Saturday, April 3, 2010



Our world has become one of expecting quick results. People simply do not
seem to have the time or the patience to wait for results. When it comes to
physical workouts and reshaping the body, both time and discipline is essential.

Results do show eventually. Be fair to ourselves. For what may be so many years,
we never cared for exercises, and ate everything that was looking to the eyes
and tasty to the tongue. The body kept putting on weight.

Even as our waistline changed, we bought bigger garments, until one day we
wake up thinking of that sweet and slender girls on the commercial. Suddenly
we want to be them overnight. Is it possible. NO.
Given some time and discipline: YES!!! What is required will be
due effort and personal commitment. There are no short cuts.
No instant results.

The following three exercises are good for beginners.
1. SEATED SPINAL TWIST: for neck, shoulders, back,oblique and hips.
Sit with legs extended, abs engaged, back tall. Bend right knee and put foot outside of left thigh. Bend left knee and and tuck foot by buttocks. Lift left arm overhead, rotate torso to right and lower left elbow to right knee. Put right palm on mat. Hold for 5 breaths. Rotate to center, then to left. Return to start. Switch sides. Repeat.

2. HANDS CLASPED: for shoulders and chest
Stand with feet- hip width apart, knees slightly bent, abs engaged, back tall.
Extend arms at shoulder level in front of you, palms in. Reach arms back and interlace fingers, thumbs touching tailbone. Roll shoulders back, open chest and lift hands towards
ceiling, behind you. Hold for one minute, breathing deeply.

3. GENTLE COBRA: for back
Lie facedown on mat with legs extended, feet together, toes pointed, hands under shoulders,
elbows by sides. Squeeze glutes, press palms and legs into floor, and slowly lift chest forward,
arching back and keeping elbows bent. Hold for 5 deep breaths; lower yourself. Do repeats.

The following three exercises are good at intermediate level exercises. Do not get to to extremes or push yourself to do the following, until your body is comfortable with the top 3.

4. HEAD TO KNEE : for back, obliques and hamstrings.
Sit with legs extended, abs engaged, back tall. Bend right knee and bring sole of right foot
to left thigh. Hinge torso as far forward over left leg as you can, keeping back flat, shoulders down, chest open, left foot flexed. Hold for 5 breaths, lengthening on the inhale, stretching deeper on the exhale. Switch sides; repeat.

5. LOCUST : for shoulders, chest, back, abs, glutes, legs.
Lie facedown with arms by sides, palms up, forehead on mat, legs extended and together,
toes pointed. Squeeze glutes, exhale, and lift head, chest, arms and legs off mat. Turn
palms in and reach arms towards toes, keeping them parallel to floor, pulling shoulder blades together. Hold for 30 seconds, exhale to release. Do repeats.

6. CAT/COW (knees lifted) : for abs, back.
Start on all fours, with toes tucked under and knees lifted a few inches, calves parallel to floor.
Round spine and drop head to look at belly button; hold for 30 seconds. Then, keeping knees lifted, arch back so belly lowers toward floor. and lift head: hold for 30 seconds. Release.
Do repeats.

The next three exercises are considered as advanced level, and is suited for people comfortable with the above six exercises.

7. PRAYER TWIST : for chest, back, obliques, glutes, legs.
Stand with feet together, abs engaged. Squat, keeping kegs together. Rotate torso to right,
bringing left elbow outside right knee without rounding back. Bring palms together, elbows out, and rotate right shoulder up and back, forming a straight line from elbow to elbow. Look
up. Hold for 5 breaths. Press into feet and release. Switch sides. Repeat

8. BOW POSE : for shoulders, chest, back, abs, hips, legs.
Lie facedown, arms by sides. Bend knees, bringing heels towards buttocks, and grab ankles,
palms in. Lift thighs off mat and heels away from buttocks. Pull shoulder blades together,
keeping shoulders down, neck long and chest open. Hold for 30 seconds. Rest for 3 breaths.
Do repeats.

9. LIFTED BACK BEND: for arms, chest, back, obliques, glutes, legs
Lie face up, knees bent, feet hip-width apart. Bend elbows and put palms behind shoulders,
fingers back. Press into palms and feet, lifting hips into a back bend. Shift weight on to legs
and lift right hand. Extend left leg, toes pointed forward. Hold for 5 breaths. Gently lower.
Switch sides. Do repeats.


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