WOMEN and men will continue to be loved, hated, glorified, misunderstood, and character assassinated. You may add the rest. .
In the journey of mankind, women have come a longer way. Once they were home-bound, now they trod the globe, just like men do. From just being daughters to wives and then motherhood and all the while staying put in doors, as best keepers of the household, women’s life and career world has evolved into service-oriented nurses and teachers.
Today, we find women in all industries, in different capacities and performing well.
Have you met this particular lady? I know she does not lack talent. She has good work ethics. When you look a little more closely and carefully, you would find some disparities. Her life and career goals do not seem to merge. She finds it hard to strike the right tone in the office. If she’s too nice, she’s viewed as weak. If she’s too assertive, she’s criticized for being severe. She is always punctual and works harder than the men around her. Sadly, she is rewarded and recognized lesser. Do you know her? What can this woman do?
STOP! BEING THE MAN OF THE OFFICE. Tell her instead to build on all of her female strengths. Tell her to tap on these 5 choice aptitudes that can propel career success for women. We will call it the “5 Female Aptitudes for Branding and Business Success.” Not all women have these qualities, and so do men. However, these are areas in which women tend to be stronger. Tell her to use these five aptitudes to help her. YOU CAN.
Aptitude # 1: Social Perception.
Women are wired for empathy. They are able to read and identify the emotions and feelings of others through a sense of similarity. Women have an advantage in picking up subtle non-verbal clues. Many women are also strong in intuition. Use it in the workplace. Intuition gives you a source of information beyond rational analysis. Pay attention. In meetings, for example, if something feels incomplete or not talked about, act on your hunch and initiate a follow-up by clarifying with a phone conversation. Empathy can be particularly helpful in business during tough economic times. Work on listening to others and asking questions. When people feel listened to and understood, they will pay you back by liking you and supporting you in return.
Aptitude # 2: People Power.
Women have the social gene. Women are born to network. Women make strong emotional connections. Use your social skills to build as many professional alliances as possible. Leverage your “social gene” and get well-known around the office. Be a mediator and an influencer. In terms of your personal career goals, you can use your strong people skills to land new opportunities and positions in your company—and get noticed, recognized, and rewarded.
Aptitude #3: Communication Agility.
The female verbal edge is strong. Girls use a larger vocabulary. Women generally have better listening skills. Use your words mastery to develop a virtual identity for yourself, r your company, as a blogger, your website, in your newsletters and so on. Solicit feedback often and early at work. Find mentors with whom you can discuss your ideas and development. Be an ideas provider and a meetings facilitator. Become known as someone who can grasp—and restate—others’ points of view. Get practice as a presenter, and use your communications agility as a valuable business tool for promoting your great ideas and accomplishments.
Aptitude # 4: Vibrant Visual Identity.
Develop a strong visual identity. Women have more tools available to them than men do for creating a strong visual identity in the workplace. While men wear a relatively boring uniform to work, women have a variety of “imaging tools” in clothes, colors, accessories, hairstyles, jewelry, and make-up. Use it. Not overuse it. Even in being casual, clothes do convey subliminal messages. Stride with self-confidence. Be a fit body. Do something wonderful. Check your posture. Think about what your visual image conveys.
Aptitude # 5: Leadership that Includes and Empowers.
Women can very successfully use their social skills to work together. Women have an inclusive, collaborative style of leadership. Women tend to be collaborative. Women share decision making. Women’s inclusive leadership style, doesn’t seek to have power over people, but empowers others instead. Women are consultative, and often good problem solvers.
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