Wednesday, June 29, 2011


WRAPPED IN A SKIN, the skin needs to be cared. Within this wrapping are all the blood vessels, tissues, nerves, bones and organs. Also within is self esteem, self perceptions and image. Every woman wants to look beautiful, healthy and youthful.

A consistent daily skin care programme will help every woman do just that. A woman’s self-esteem is wrapped up in how healthy she perceives her skin to be every day. Here are simple ideas to help you ensure you’ll look your very best now and future.

CLEANSING: Cleansing our skin is the basic foundation of a healthy skin care routine. DO NOT GO overboard in this area. It is important to clean your facial skin , be it oily, normal or a combination. DO NOT strip your skin of its naturally occurring oils. They help keep the skin supple and are important for younger looks.
Using a dime sized amount of cleanser, wash face at night to remove makeup debris from your skin. Rinse your skin with lukewarm water and pat dry. In the morning, simply splash a bit of lukewarm water on your face to remove any excess oils from the night’s moisturizer. NOT HOT or COLD but LUKEWARM water.

EXFOLIATION: Exfoliation is removal of the dead skin cells on the skin surface. This is often overlooked. It is an essential step to keep you looking young. With all sorts of packagings available in the market place, you can exfoliate your skin at home, or afford yourself the luxury of a spa. Now your skin is glowing. Some recommend toners, while some disagree. Some say that toners make the facial skin routine. In skin care, stick to what makes your skin look the best for you.

MOISTURIZING: Moisturizing keeps your skin soft and is a wonderful way to remain looking young. Even on oily
facial skin, be sure to use a moisturizer. Use a little each time. Apply the moisturizer all over the body, after you’re out of the bath or shower. SKIN is just not the face, but the whole body.

QUICK BRIEFS: *Apply makeup with clean sponge (one time use) each time. Give yourself a facial at home once a
week or so.
*Puffy eyes in the morning can be tamed by placing slices of potatoes or cucumbers over them,
and in about 7 minutes or less, for some reason, the puffiness is eased.
*Bathe only once a day. This minimizes the possibility of depleting skin moisture. Use lukewarm
water (not very hot or cold water), a soap less cleanser, and limit your bathing or showering times
to about 15 minutes to keep your skin from drying out.
*Sunscreen is a must. Can we say it as the most important step when it comes to protecting our skin
from harmful environmental factors, the might of sun's radiation. Make certain to use a sunscreen
or moisturizer containing at least 15 SPF and apply it daily to every area that is exposed to the sun.

HAIR CARE: Hair care is essential for good health. When your hair appears healthy, you look younger. Shampoo
regulaly to avoid developing dandruff. Use your fingertips to scrub your scalp thoroughly. Loosen up dirt, oils, and debris. Rinse your hair with cool water, as opposed to rinsing with hot water. Before bedtime, brush your hair to remove tangles and redistribute natural oils in the hair. Whenever possible, allow your hair to air dry rather than blow-drying which robs moisture. Use wide toothed comb,especially when hair is wet. You can avoid breakage.
Use a wide-toothed comb to comb out hair when it is wet to avoid breakage. Regular trims are good.

NUTRITION and REST: Both in ample and correct amounts contribute to healthy skin and hair. Get the proper amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your food or via supplements. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up the same time each morning.

It is really quite simple to look young, healthy and beautiful if you just take care of your hair and the skin you’re in right now. You’ll be so glad you did!


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